, pub-2043536406869964, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Simply Gourmet: Spider Eggs for Halloween

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Spider Eggs for Halloween

You will soon learn that I love the holidays.  ALL of them!  Give me a reason to dress-up, decorate and make fun food, and I am all in!  I am the one that goes to the Renaissance Festivals dressed up…I know you all have friends that do this and you laugh.  LOL

The year before this I was Martha Stewart in a jailbird costume and this year (2006)  I was a pregnant lady…REALLY, I was pregnant…LOL  Payback I guess…LOL

I guess it's the actress in me that never got a chance to shine.  I am a kid at heart and find that holidays make me happy and they remind me of the fun things that I did as a kid.  Over the years my family and I have hosted some very fun and large Halloween parties at our home.

 2008 I was a witch…my favorite costume!

Our fondest memory is the year we turned out basement into a haunted house and had kids from all over standing in line to go through….lots of fun!  The coolest part was my oldest daughter and her friends decorated and hosted the event for my son and his friends.

2009 I went as a fortune teller.   2010 I guess I went as a storm chaser.  We were in our trailer at the time and we had a huge tornado warning and thunderstorm. FUN TIMES, not!

I know these spiders are common to make but the kids still get a kick out of seeing them every year.

 Recipe:  Deviled Eggs with Spiders

1 can of large pitted black olives
6-8 eggs
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 tsp. mustard
1/4 tsp. apple cider vinegar

Boil or steam your eggs like usual.  Peel the eggs and slice in half.  Remove the yolk and add this to a bowl with mayo, mustard, and vinegar.  This is all based on your taste buds.  I have given you the minimum measurements and you will have to taste your mix to see if it is where you like it.  I like ours tart with vinegar so I would naturally add more vinegar.  If it's not enough to fill your egg whites, then add more mayo and mustard to stretch your filling.

Once your filling is made, then place the filling in a piping bag or plastic baggie and fill each egg white.

Take an olive and slice in half.  If you want to use one olive per egg then you will need to be careful how you slice it.  It is possible but personally, it's a bit tedious.  I usually just cut them in half and then use another olive to make the legs.  Using a sharp knife cut slim slices from the olive half.

Easy peasy if you ask me and the kids love them!  Ok, so do the adults…LOL

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  1. These are such a great idea!!! I love making themed food!

  2. Oh these are WAY cute! BTW I dress up for Ren Fests too. And Halloween. And any other occasion I can get away with.

  3. Thanks Erin and Ann for leaving comments…always love to hear from my foodie friends! Ann-I love it! I also participate in civil war reenactments and have tons of clothes for that.

  4. What a fun, creative idea! There are always baked treats, I love finding savory treats for Halloween too! Take care, Terra

  5. These are so cute, had to tweet and Pin!


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